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What do we believe?

Our company is driven by the principles of resilience, transformation and digital acceleration.


We have a motto:

“More capable people generate more effective businesses and a more supportive world.” 

We believe in the human potential and relationships of protagonism of each individual and in their ability to create a great impact on their ecosystem and on the lives of many around them. Our principles align with our mission and vision through our three purposes of action:


We can all evolve, corporate and personal training are not separate objects from the human being. Whether through self-discovery or the gathering of experiences, our partners, employees and customers are the reason for our business. We seek to create and give back to society opportunities for constant learning, so that everyone can build their story.


We work believing in transformation. By leveraging training, transforming people is transforming lives and, in this way, transforming realities. Transformation is always possible, if we dedicate effort, perseverance and resilience to understand that the world is constantly evolving.


History is written when one participates in it. At Ephata, we believe that the individual is the protagonist of his story and that it contains the secret of his own potential. Reaching new levels of performance and human completeness requires reaching the protagonism of oneself in each action. In our ecosystem we encourage and encourage protagonism that changes lives and thus changes history.


"A vontade de vencer, o desejo de ter sucesso, a urgência de alcançar todo o seu potencial... essas são as chaves que abrirão a porta para a excelência pessoal."

Acreditamos no protagonismo dos indivíduos como a verdadeira transformação possível dos negócios, ambientes, empresas e, portanto, da sociedade.


Nosso time é especialista em criar programas de capacitação na medida das suas dores e desafios. Não importa a complexidade ou os fatores limitantes, por aqui, nosso negócio é ajudar a você, seu time e a sua empresa a alcançarem o seu potencial máximo e viverem uma verdadeira revolução.

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